Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Sunday and the Politics I Don't Get Involved In

This morning I had the privilege of translating for Dan Lee at church.  I so did not want to do it.  It's a lot of work and I was feeling lazy.  I asked our nephew Gamaniel to do it and said "I think you can do it, Mom."  Thanks, Gama.  :) After just a few minutes, I was so pumped and happy to be doing it.  Amazing.  It was hardly work at all today.  Great message, too!

We had lots of people for lunch today at the guest house.  I would say at least 50.  Len grilled burgers for us and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH were they good!!!

My husband loves to take people out on the boat.  He usually with take a short spin just to make sure everything is functioning properly.  Well, in his excitement, he forgot to check the gas and had to row all the way back in.  Oops!

Four folks came in to be with BLB today, just in time to start using the bulldozer tomorrow!  Chel came with a group of 8 women who will be running medical clinics throughout the next week.  Most of these women were here serving the community after the earthquake.  It's great to have them back!

Jason from IHOP in Kansas City, MO spoke this evening at church.  There was a time for personal ministry to everyone at the end.  

The guest house is full tonight.  The PA team heads home tomorrow.  What a great group of folks they are!  We're so glad they were here with us.

I read an interesting, short article today in the Agence France-Presse:  "Haitian President Rene Preval warned Saturday that a political impasse over a disputed presidential elections has put his quake-hit Caribbean nation on a "dangerous" course.
"This is a dangerous road we are on. In addition to natural disasters, we are in a political crisis following the Nov. 28, 2010, elections," Preval said on television from the northern city of Gonaives as the country marked 207 years of independence from France.
International monitors have started a verification process aimed at breaking the political impasse in Haiti following the disputed election.
A 10-strong OAS team made up of statisticians and electoral and legal experts from the United States, Chile, Canada, France and Jamaica began their verification work on Thursday."  I do wonder what that means - "verification work."  Certainly it doesn't mean just recounting ballots, which might be less than helpful since many of those ballots are not legit.  One thing I am relatively certain of:  if Preval is still in office on Feb. 8th or if Celestin wins the election, this country will return to demonstrations and violent riots in a heart beat.  

Dan Lee and I were talking over lunch today and he said something that really rang true with me.  He said a new future is hovering over Haiti.  I think that we are reaching for that new future right now for Grand-Goave.  Please join us in prayer for a transformation.

We have had electricity nonstop for about 3 days now!  We thought we were doing really great because we had it for 12-18 hours per day.  I do prefer 24/7 myself.  

Time for bed.  Talk with you all again soon!

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